Page Size Checker

An amazing tool offered by Many SEO Tools lets you check the size of your website. If your website contains videos, images, flash and graphics, the chances of your website loading slow is extremely high. Slow website means low visitors as user experience will suffer and you'll get lower conversion. Use this tool to get better idea of your website and optimize your site accordingly.

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About Page Size Checker

With the help of this tool, you can optimize your website to provide better user experience. You need to attract visitors by adding pictures and videos but it also makes your website slow. The tool will allow you to find out ways to optimize your website (could it be image resizing, better hosting, or optimizing database). Webmasters have to make continous effort to make their website more attractive, user friendlier and faster. To make this happen, we have developed this amazing tool to make your work easier. Simple enter the domain name and hit submit.

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